Strategy Guide
These screenshots were in the official guide, captured on a build close to the Press Kit build:
- Life crates ingame don't have Twinsanity's mug on them, they have the classic mug instead.
- Earning a life animated the icon across the screen, like in the old games.
- The life counter is far off the right side of the screen.
- Uka's eyes are misplaced.
N. Sanity Island
- The shortcut cave has some sand around it.
- The purple gem is on the totem instead of the clear one.
- It also seems to have replaced the blue and red ones above.
- The camera in Cavern is different.
- The platform and elevator textures are much darker. Note: The platforms in the drill chase retain their dark texture in the final game.
- The crate layout at the end of the drill chase is different.
Iceberg Lab
- This world checkpoint appears to have no range based activation.
- After the cutscene, the checkpoint doesn't automatically activate here.
- This instantly opening door style is different.
- This checkpoint doesn't exist in the final game.
- This checkpoint clips through the ground.
- Rusty's pathing is broken causing him to run into walls and turn around.
- This checkpoint doesn't exist in the final game.
Academy of Evil
- Janitors do not exist in the hub in the final game.
- The extending bridge looks different, with a different model and texture.
- Hall Monitors have an unusually huge shadow.
- Carpets are missing.
Twinsanity Island
- Gem tunnels in Rockslide have way more TNT crates.
- This checkpoint doesn't exist in the final game.