The game contains an unused "Faster" Iceberg Lab theme.
Title: Ice Lab MT FASTER
This track was intended for Ice Climb.
Title: Ice Climb
A variation of the Academy of Evil theme exists without evil laughter.
Title: Madame Amberly (No Laugh)
This unknown track only plays briefly during the credits.
Title: Native Chase (Game) / Broiler Room Doom (Soundtrack)
The XBOX version contains additional versions of the Totem Hokum Docamok music.
Normal version:
"Fat" version:
"Fattest" version (used ingame):
The following are tracks that exist in the soundtrack, but not in game files:
Mechabandicoot Alternate version (Different from ingame one):
River Rollerbrawl (Different from ingame one, which is River Boat Area):
Classroom Chaos: